являются нормой на коже и в ЖКТ, на слизистых. "А.В. Коструб "
Спасибо, что открыли мне глаза на условно-патогенную флору
Доктор, по-моему между
...то его лучше пролечить. "Karlusan"
... нужно принимать... "А.В. Коструб "
есть разница. Не надо передергивая фразу вкладывать свой смысл в мои слова. Читайте, пожалуйста, внимательнее, и не искажайте смысл моих постов.
И почему после проведенной антибактериальной терапии нужно принимать бифидумбактерин? Откуда "вылезают" грибы? Простите мою любознательность... "А.В. Коструб "
"...Anna Engelbrektson and co-workers at seven different US centres, including Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, have now surmounted this problem by studying 16S rRNA sequences, a method recently harnessed to identify unique bacterial subspecies and thus reveal the extraordinary diversity, organisation, and dynamics of the gut microbiota. Specifically, Engelbrektson and colleagues used terminal RFLP analysis, which automatically digitised the data and thus permitted the high throughput screening of huge numbers of samples.
Healthy human volunteers received a 7-day course of co-amoxiclav (amoxicillin and clavulanic acid), which was chosen because it is widely prescribed and often leads to antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. The volunteers were randomised to receive either a placebo or a preparation containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (the two genera most commonly used as probiotics). The investigators then monitored the volunteers' faecal microbiota by both terminal RFLP analysis and conventional culture methods.
As reported in the Journal of Medical Microbiology (2009; 58: 663), the probiotic supplement was indeed highly effective in combating adverse effects of the co-amoxiclav treatment on intestinal inhabitants. “Antibiotic-induced alterations in gut microbiota were identified, and the probiotic mixture minimised the antibiotic disturbances”, Engelbrektson and colleagues write. They continue: “the re-establishment of the baseline microbiota occurred more rapidly in the probiotics-treated group, with a pronounced effect particularly on concentrations of enterobacteriaceae, bifidobacterium, and bacteroides.”
The actual mechanisms responsible for these effects were not investigated in this project. However, the researchers speculate that the benefits were attributable to the metabolism of the two groups of bacteria in the supplement. The probiotics may metabolise components of the gut to generate a substrate that is a preferred food source for organisms crucial to the broader stability of the resident microbial population. An alternative or additional mechanism is that they help to establish a favourable physical environment—by affecting pH, for example.
Engelbrektson and colleagues have made an important advance in confirming and investigating a medically useful action of probiotics. Nonetheless, they are the first to point out that their findings do not represent a clinical end point in itself. They insist that more work is required to assess the full practical relevance of the results. Both their meticulous efforts and their caution stand in sharp contrast to many more loudly trumpeted assertions about the alleged merits of “good bacteria”..."
"It's a little bit more complicated than that" (The Lancet Infectious Diseases - Volume 9, Issue 7, July 2009)
"...Most cases of nosocomial and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea are caused by alteration of the physiological gut microflora. This alteration leads to reduced microbial metabolism of carbohydrates and primary bile acids, resulting in osmotic or secretory forms of diarrhoea. Moreover, facultative enteropathogens may experience a growth advantage due to the antibiotic-induced microflora alteration that, in turn, can harm the gut mucosa by the toxins they produce. Clostridium difficile is the major infectious agent leading to pseudomembranous colitis. However, there is increasing evidence that certain other pathogens such as enterotoxin-producing Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella oxytoca can induce mucosal deterioration and diarrhoea after antibiotic use. But, as with C. difficile, these facultative enteropathogens can also be found in the healthy population. Their contribution to disease is, therefore, controversial and their presence in the stools of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea patients is often claimed to be mere colonisation. In this respect, the causal relationship of each suspected pathogen with the development of intestinal disease has to be proved clinically and experimentally...."
Nosocomial and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea caused by organisms other than Clostridium difficile. Gorkiewicz G - Int J Antimicrob Agents - 01-MAR-2009; 33 Suppl 1: S37-41
"...A study involving 395 patients, with or without diarrhoea, and independent of antibiotic treatment, investigated the presence and numbers of
Candida spp. in stool. It was shown that the rates of isolation of Candida from faeces and Candida overgrowth in AAD patients did not differ from those of patients without diarrhoea who were also taking antibiotics. Candida overgrowth among patients with diarrhoea who were not taking antibiotics was less frequent than among AAD patients, but the frequency of Candida isolation was the same. In control subjects without diarrhoea
who were not taking antibiotics, the frequencies of Candida isolation and overgrowth were less common than in all the other groups...."
"Candida and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea "R. Krause and E. C. Reisinger. Clinical Microbiology and Infection Volume 11 Issue 1, Pages 1 - 2. Sep 2004
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